Changes to euuujn

4 months ago
Updated 88jgko.html
Changed around line 1
+ Blendwork | Book part time FAANG+ engineers
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+ content="Browse the world's best verified developers from top companies and easily book them for contract work"
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+ content="Blendwork | Book part time FAANG+ engineers"
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+ content="Browse the world's best verified developers from top companies and easily book them for contract work"
+ />
+ property="og:image"
+ content=""
+ />
+ name="twitter:title"
+ content="Blendwork | Book part time FAANG+ engineers"
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+ name="twitter:description"
+ content="Browse the world's best verified developers from top companies and easily book them for contract work"
+ />
+ name="twitter:image"
+ content=""
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+ U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;
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+ U+20AD-20CF, U+2113, U+2C60-2C7F, U+A720-A7FF;
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+ U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;
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+ U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;
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+ U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;
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+ U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;
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+ U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;
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+ U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;
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+ --framer-link-text-decoration,
+ var(--framer-text-decoration, none)
+ )
+ )
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+ code.framer-text a.framer-text[data-framer-page-link-current]:hover,
+ code.framer-text
+ a.framer-text[data-framer-page-link-current]:hover
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+ var(--framer-font-family, Inter, Inter Placeholder, sans-serif)
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+ var(--framer-font-style, normal)
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+ var(--framer-link-font-size, var(--framer-font-size, 16px))
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+ content: counter(list-item, var(--list-style-type)) ".";
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+ content: "\2022";
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+ position: relative;
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+ content: "";
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+ var(
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+ var(--framer-font-family, Inter, Inter Placeholder, sans-serif)
+ )
+ )
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+ var(
+ --framer-link-current-font-style,
+ var(--framer-link-font-style, var(--framer-font-style, normal))
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+ var(
+ --framer-link-current-font-weight,
+ var(--framer-link-font-weight, var(--framer-font-weight, 400))
+ )
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+ var(
+ --framer-link-current-text-color,
+ var(--framer-link-text-color, var(--framer-text-color, #000))
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+ var(
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+ var(--framer-link-font-size, var(--framer-font-size, 16px))
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+ var(
+ --framer-link-current-text-transform,
+ var(
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+ var(--framer-text-transform, none)
+ )
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+ --framer-link-hover-text-decoration,
+ var(
+ --framer-link-current-text-decoration,
+ var(
+ --framer-link-text-decoration,
+ var(--framer-text-decoration, none)
+ )
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+ content: counter(list-item) ".";
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+ display: table-cell;
+ width: 2.25ch;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ padding-right: 0.75ch;
+ content: "\2022";
+ }
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+ > [data-framer-stack-content-wrapper]
+ > [data-framer-component-type],
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+ > [data-framer-stack-content-wrapper]
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+ .flexbox-gap-not-supported
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+ .flexbox-gap-not-supported
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+ .flexbox-gap-not-supported
+ [data-framer-stack-direction-reverse="false"]
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+ .flexbox-gap-not-supported
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+ NavigationContainer
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+ background: transparent;
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+ .framer-cursor-none,
+ .framer-cursor-none * {
+ cursor: none !important;
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+ .framer-pointer-events-none * {
+ pointer-events: none !important;
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+ .framer-8VGHL.framer-1jja9yy > *,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-opzme > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-mfh2ec > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qacgti > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-n05h1p > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-10hbuug > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-wpcoaf > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-12683ww > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-17y4u4b > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ohh1xd > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-13uar1q > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-k3cidz > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-n2h5co > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1hln5ge > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-atgpqz > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ggog8a > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1up8l99 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-y71oe8 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-44du3s > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qsl5c8 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-28ws2o > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1sdf388 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-14mkrup > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ad5q1p > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-q07qxt > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-2q5xn8 > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1il0bfl > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1tqiac8 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1q1t95r > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-167la3h > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-122zsgj > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-fljwet > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1e4zgn8 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1u0f9z4 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-2hxtnb > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1lhjej6 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-k9v5gh > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1dkepo > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1onu6zo > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1hvqmes > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-15s284q > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1fq59d2 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-711qfv > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-yjgou5 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ge0iqs > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ovqh0a > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-kqymg > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1l3btbz > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-koj97y > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-11udsyi > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-eajomp > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-8pmcth > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1b852e5 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-69jl6p > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-x8wble > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ev97t2 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-iotq63 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ptqukc > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1aay81j > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-wiof8n > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-52d3p2 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ty3i4e > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1bri4nm > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1vxp2an > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1uskbic > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-i37uv0 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ko7m50 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-o5jw0o > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-aatyzm > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-f0gyt7 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-14pmcst > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1mw8z1p > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-fa4q9h > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-f7vwmp > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-hf1w5b > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1mi7dhh > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-28pmuv > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1luawnr > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1j8rbk2 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1o5amhb > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-bn6v2e > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1b2suqi > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ufu0vc > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-yujixq > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ctrna7 > :first-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ew6wuq > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1428d1g > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-okagie > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qqsk8 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-129nkme > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-eglfgw > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1pry9hk > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1grgqjf > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-las7xo > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-5lsnp1 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1c94np > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-cj24qa > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1n01nml > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ogcxa2 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1uxjzo7 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1wofog2 > :first-child {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ }
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-154lfe0 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1fyc3sn > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-qpzuah > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-16apvuq > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1sid67i > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-mfh2ec > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qacgti > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-kuf3rt > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-wta409 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-113qs42 > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-15akj5n > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-n05h1p > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-12683ww > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-17y4u4b > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-13uar1q > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-k3cidz > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-n2h5co > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ggog8a > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-44du3s > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-17bzzy3 > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1n70p3s > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-14u1p2v > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ad1rae > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-18fpp8z > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1r0tj86 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-bvzrh4 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-9kxaei > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-qiqh43 > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ow1c9m > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1sfec8h > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qamqbt > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-2q5xn8 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1fcwt0d > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1pjtw42 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-yyf76b > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-15lkkeu > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1fu1u58 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1il0bfl > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1tqiac8 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1q1t95r > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-akwcob > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1cu64sn > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-167la3h > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-122zsgj > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-fljwet > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1e4zgn8 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1u0f9z4 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-2hxtnb > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1lhjej6 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-k9v5gh > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1onu6zo > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1hvqmes > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-15s284q > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1fq59d2 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-711qfv > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ybuc85 > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1b852e5 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-69jl6p > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-vdf9l0 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-x8wble > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ev97t2 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-iotq63 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ptqukc > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1aay81j > :last-child,
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-i37uv0 > :last-child,
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+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-eihob5 > * {
+ margin: 0 30px;
+ }
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qwslqe > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1vk3j1g > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-8wkay4 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-rsk9qk > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-go6tr1 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-t3gwa9 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-gceke0 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1vb2xls > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qy7ywj > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1hqkm57 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1xr78fi > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1vjz5k7 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-gkvl9s > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1macgh > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-vwg8yw > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1gqc93f > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-6hwlir > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1w1yazc > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-dhentc > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ybwq8s > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1su6mu8 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1wmwxpd > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-7wcpbi > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-x7aqt0 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-nyraax > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ezcud3 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1f32uhc > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-2w81i9 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ugdcr9 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-16fj9ag > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ixhkc4 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1okhs8y > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-unrfzb > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-170mged > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1uwtts6 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-fp5o9n > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-p5x729 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1snyciv > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-x1jitn > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-14lr2v2 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-b1hs1x > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1liqe71 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-315zt4 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1lsnxk1 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-13bnj9n > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-9cdo8c > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-xjc6hp > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-wiz2bp > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-8cnh70 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1rf3t26 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ju00lr > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1o90e25 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-61zi14 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-recjl9 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-fna30s > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-hbwkmv > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-yu3klr > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1gkaf7t > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-29c9o > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1y5baei > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-2hjqnp > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1rh3ez3 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-jof5cy > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-z9qa5a > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-urqxfd > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1s8ymkd > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1wg5lhw > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1604dfl > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-613tgi > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-14jryrm > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-jshykb > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1q0f1ps > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-hkpihq > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-16h0zds > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-g8oaj2 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1adbvo7 > :first-child {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-eihob5 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-y7gqow > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-gslx0s > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-zp4t1c > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-17272cf > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-m58g1n > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-uauavs > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1cly54q > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1a5jg38 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-umpwfh > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1n3igzz > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ypn2uj > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-wzecri > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-l88pjy > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-zktrh9 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-phrm7b > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-18bh287 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1knypsf > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1gowtgp > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-omp7u > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qb9clg > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1uv2s6z > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-103dc6v > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ujmrxn > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-xc074d > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-cnfohg > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-dgqolf > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-29u8d1 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-11i049w > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1de8l7c > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-l0u6dc > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1b8hi2h > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1en50xs > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-vrlume > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-djdefy > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-bxixqi > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-12r586b > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qhk0xa > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-wlmmdk > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qz6l0a > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-vrf642 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ae0upg > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1u563jg > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-12wdve5 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1gg2310 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-99zqxx > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1n6n55c > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-173f7c5 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-63alfm > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-13zztgy > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-yhq6ww > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-wipjbj > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-15ot06f > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1555wd7 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-cv7252 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-15jv5zz > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1xdpyt0 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1kszjpr > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qwslqe > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1vk3j1g > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-8wkay4 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-rsk9qk > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-go6tr1 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-t3gwa9 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-gceke0 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1vb2xls > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qy7ywj > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1hqkm57 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1xr78fi > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1vjz5k7 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-gkvl9s > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1macgh > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-vwg8yw > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1gqc93f > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-6hwlir > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1w1yazc > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-dhentc > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ybwq8s > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1su6mu8 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1wmwxpd > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-7wcpbi > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-x7aqt0 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-nyraax > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ezcud3 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1f32uhc > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-2w81i9 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ugdcr9 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-16fj9ag > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ixhkc4 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1okhs8y > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-unrfzb > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-170mged > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1uwtts6 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-fp5o9n > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-p5x729 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1snyciv > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-x1jitn > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-14lr2v2 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-b1hs1x > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1liqe71 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-315zt4 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1lsnxk1 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-13bnj9n > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-9cdo8c > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-xjc6hp > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-wiz2bp > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-8cnh70 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1rf3t26 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ju00lr > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1o90e25 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-61zi14 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-recjl9 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-fna30s > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-hbwkmv > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-yu3klr > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1gkaf7t > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-29c9o > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1y5baei > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-2hjqnp > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1rh3ez3 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-jof5cy > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-z9qa5a > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-urqxfd > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1s8ymkd > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1wg5lhw > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1604dfl > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-613tgi > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-14jryrm > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-jshykb > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1q0f1ps > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-hkpihq > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-16h0zds > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-g8oaj2 > :last-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1adbvo7 > :last-child {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-154lfe0 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1hln5ge > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-atgpqz > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ggog8a > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qsl5c8 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-28ws2o > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ayt6xn > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1sdf388 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-18fpp8z > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1r0tj86 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-d2kezg > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-gwdu5n > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1q1t95r > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-13fhaqx > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-2hxtnb > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1lhjej6 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-yjgou5 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ge0iqs > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ngraez > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-12xd3pt > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-x8wble > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ev97t2 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1bri4nm > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1vxp2an > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-fa4q9h > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-g23z71 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1b2suqi > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ufu0vc > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ctrna7 > * {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-y7gqow > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-wzecri > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1gowtgp > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qb9clg > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ujmrxn > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-dgqolf > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1de8l7c > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1en50xs > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-bxixqi > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-wlmmdk > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ae0upg > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1gg2310 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1f32uhc > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-170mged > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1liqe71 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1rf3t26 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-61zi14 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-hbwkmv > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-29c9o > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1rh3ez3 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-urqxfd > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1604dfl > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-jshykb > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-16h0zds > * {
+ margin: 0 5px;
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1fyc3sn > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-16apvuq > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-mfh2ec > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1mnaelc > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-evupcs > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-cdnegl > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1grgqjf > * {
+ margin: 10px 0;
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-gslx0s > * {
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-left: calc(20.695650100708008px / 2);
+ margin-right: calc(20.695650100708008px / 2);
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-qpzuah > * {
+ margin: 1px 0;
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-zp4t1c > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-m58g1n > * {
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-left: calc(9.189191818237305px / 2);
+ margin-right: calc(9.189191818237305px / 2);
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-17272cf > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ypn2uj > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-go6tr1 > * {
+ margin: 0 2.5px;
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-uauavs > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-umpwfh > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1n3igzz > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-15ot06f > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qy7ywj > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1hqkm57 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1xr78fi > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-vwg8yw > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1gqc93f > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-6hwlir > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1su6mu8 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1wmwxpd > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-7wcpbi > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ugdcr9 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-16fj9ag > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ixhkc4 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-p5x729 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1snyciv > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-x1jitn > * {
+ margin: 0 0.5px;
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1cly54q > * {
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-left: calc(5.513515472412109px / 2);
+ margin-right: calc(5.513515472412109px / 2);
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1a5jg38 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-173f7c5 > * {
+ margin: 0 1.5px;
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1sid67i > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-ew6wuq > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1pry9hk > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ogcxa2 > * {
+ margin: 7.5px 0;
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qacgti > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-kuf3rt > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-wta409 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-113qs42 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-subqbz > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-10hbuug > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-17y4u4b > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-n2h5co > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-v990rt > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-17bzzy3 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-14mkrup > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ad1rae > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1qamqbt > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1pjtw42 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1tqiac8 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1u0f9z4 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-k9v5gh > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1dkepo > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1ybuc85 > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-cqkcry > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1d5wa9n > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-s7u6ew > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-vdf9l0 > *,
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+ margin: 0 2.5px;
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+ .framer-8VGHL.framer-1jja9yy > :last-child {
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1wofog2 > * {
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+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1tr05g6 > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-gkvl9s > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1wofog2 > :first-child {
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+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-gkvl9s > * {
+ margin: 0 2.5px;
+ }
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1yrk3uw > *,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1yrk3uw > :first-child,
+ .framer-8VGHL .framer-1yrk3uw > :last-child {
+ margin: 0;
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+ .framer-VzglM .framer-y5kcau,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-bowqtq,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1jdbztl,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1syz86z,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-jp0sjm,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-183gwz9,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1n9c6yg,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1p9sl7i,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1ipozb3,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-18t5nqq,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-wvq6h1,
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+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1njokgy,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1fu157l,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-yv1z7k,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1jntxj3,
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+ height: min-content;
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+ .framer-VzglM .framer-z5qbmg,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-2uz1sr,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1szx9cs,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-ccm42e {
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+ text-decoration: none;
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+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1vuvszn,
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+ .framer-VzglM .framer-chv4yl,
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+ flex: none;
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+ @supports (background: -webkit-named-image(i)) and
+ (not (font-palette: dark)) {
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-uxgpch,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-wccfq5,
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+ .framer-VzglM .framer-7scezg,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-7vdvjc,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-g1t2wf,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-7im4fu,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1njokgy,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-xalhlz,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1fu157l,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-yv1z7k,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1jntxj3,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-u1pa2f,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-u88g9u,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-z5qbmg,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-2uz1sr,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1szx9cs,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-ccm42e,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1ovr8r8 {
+ gap: 0px;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-uxgpch > * {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-uxgpch > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-wccfq5 > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-8fw40j > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-7im4fu > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1njokgy > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1fu157l > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-yv1z7k > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1jntxj3 > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-u1pa2f > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-z5qbmg > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-2uz1sr > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1szx9cs > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-ccm42e > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1ovr8r8 > :first-child {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-uxgpch > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-wccfq5 > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-8fw40j > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-7im4fu > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1njokgy > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1fu157l > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-yv1z7k > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1jntxj3 > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-u1pa2f > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-z5qbmg > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-2uz1sr > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1szx9cs > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-ccm42e > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1ovr8r8 > :last-child {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-wccfq5 > * {
+ margin: 0 20px;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-8fw40j > *,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-7im4fu > *,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1njokgy > *,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1fu157l > *,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-yv1z7k > *,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1jntxj3 > *,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-u1pa2f > * {
+ margin: 0 5px;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-7scezg > * {
+ margin: 24px 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-7scezg > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-7vdvjc > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-g1t2wf > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-xalhlz > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-u88g9u > :first-child {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-7scezg > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-7vdvjc > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-g1t2wf > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-xalhlz > :last-child,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-u88g9u > :last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-7vdvjc > * {
+ margin: 16px 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-g1t2wf > *,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-xalhlz > * {
+ margin: 5px 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-u88g9u > * {
+ margin: 2.5px 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-z5qbmg > *,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-2uz1sr > *,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1szx9cs > *,
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-ccm42e > * {
+ margin: 0 8px;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM .framer-1ovr8r8 > * {
+ margin: 0 15px;
+ }
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj.framer-knsv4v,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1.framer-knsv4v,
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+ gap: 10px;
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+ padding: 6px 20px;
+ width: 497px;
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+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj .framer-p1jsil,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1 .framer-p1jsil,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs .framer-p1jsil {
+ height: var(--framer-aspect-ratio-supported, 32px);
+ width: 32px;
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+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj .framer-7scezg,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1 .framer-7scezg,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs .framer-7scezg {
+ align-content: flex-start;
+ align-items: flex-start;
+ gap: 20px;
+ padding: 20px;
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+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj .framer-whdzqf-container,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1 .framer-whdzqf-container,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs .framer-whdzqf-container {
+ width: 100%;
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+ @supports (background: -webkit-named-image(i)) and
+ (not (font-palette: dark)) {
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj.framer-knsv4v,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj .framer-uxgpch,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj .framer-7scezg {
+ gap: 0px;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj.framer-knsv4v > * {
+ margin: 0 5px;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj.framer-knsv4v > :first-child {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj.framer-knsv4v > :last-child {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj .framer-uxgpch > *,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj .framer-uxgpch > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj .framer-uxgpch > :last-child {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj .framer-7scezg > * {
+ margin: 10px 0;
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+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj .framer-7scezg > :first-child {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-13ojpkj .framer-7scezg > :last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1 .framer-uxgpch {
+ flex: 1 0 0px;
+ gap: unset;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ max-width: 953px;
+ width: 1px;
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+ @supports (background: -webkit-named-image(i)) and
+ (not (font-palette: dark)) {
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1.framer-knsv4v,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1 .framer-uxgpch,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1 .framer-7scezg {
+ gap: 0px;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1.framer-knsv4v > * {
+ margin: 0 5px;
+ }
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+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1.framer-knsv4v > :last-child {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1 .framer-uxgpch > *,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1 .framer-uxgpch > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1 .framer-uxgpch > :last-child {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1 .framer-7scezg > * {
+ margin: 10px 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1 .framer-7scezg > :first-child {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-2q1wi1 .framer-7scezg > :last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs .framer-uxgpch {
+ flex: 1 0 0px;
+ gap: unset;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ max-width: 970px;
+ width: 1px;
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+ @supports (background: -webkit-named-image(i)) and
+ (not (font-palette: dark)) {
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs.framer-knsv4v,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs .framer-uxgpch,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs .framer-7scezg {
+ gap: 0px;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs.framer-knsv4v > * {
+ margin: 0 5px;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs.framer-knsv4v > :first-child {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs.framer-knsv4v > :last-child {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs .framer-uxgpch > *,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs .framer-uxgpch > :first-child,
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs .framer-uxgpch > :last-child {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs .framer-7scezg > * {
+ margin: 10px 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs .framer-7scezg > :first-child {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ }
+ .framer-VzglM.framer-v-g06zqs .framer-7scezg > :last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ }
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+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder", sans-serif;
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+ Applied Scientist

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+ New Here

+ class="framer-umpwfh"
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+ >
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+ Available

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+ data-framer-name="California, United States"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
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+ 10

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+ >
+ hours/week

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+ Oracle

+ class="framer-16apvuq"
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+ name="Frame 427322065"
+ >
+ class="framer-1sid67i"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321763"
+ name="Frame 427321763"
+ >
+ class="framer-mfh2ec"
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+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321884"
+ name="Frame 427321884"
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+ class="framer-rw4emc"
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+ Top Skills

+ class="framer-wzecri"
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+ data-border="true"
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+ Python

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+ Pytorch

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+ Deep Learning

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+ Artificial Intelligence

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+ C++

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+ About

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+ class="framer-1gowtgp"
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+ >
+ class="framer-1r897ry"
+ data-framer-name="I have worked as software engineer for the last 15 years and have worked with some of the top VC and Y... read more"
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+ >
+ I am an applied scientist working in a tier-1
+ product based company. I am also a post
+ graduate from a tier-1 college. My expertise
+ lies in computer vision domain.

+ class="framer-subqbz"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322051"
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+ class="framer-uox7n4"
+ data-framer-name="I speak English and German"
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+ outline: none;
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+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
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+ >
+ Identity verified

+ class="framer-103dc6v"
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+ name="Frame 427322049"
+ >
+ class="framer-1ujmrxn"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322049"
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+ data-framer-name="image 90"
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+ data-framer-background-image-wrapper="true"
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+ decoding="async"
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+ class="framer-xc074d"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 44098"
+ name="Frame 44098"
+ >
+ class="framer-qvuk62"
+ data-framer-name="I speak English and German"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
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+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
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+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
+ "
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+ >
+ Male

+ class="framer-cnfohg"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322049"
+ name="Frame 427322049"
+ >
+ class="framer-dgqolf"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322049"
+ name="Frame 427322049"
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+ data-framer-name="image 93"
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+ style="
+ position: absolute;
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+ data-framer-background-image-wrapper="true"
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+ decoding="async"
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+ class="framer-29u8d1"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 44098"
+ name="Frame 44098"
+ >
+ class="framer-gio346"
+ data-framer-name="I speak English and German"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
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+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ New Delhi, India

+ class="framer-11i049w"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322049"
+ name="Frame 427322049"
+ >
+ class="framer-1de8l7c"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322049"
+ name="Frame 427322049"
+ >
+ class="framer-1jwi4fu"
+ data-framer-name="image 90"
+ name="image 90"
+ >
+ style="
+ position: absolute;
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+ top: 0;
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+ data-framer-background-image-wrapper="true"
+ >
+ decoding="async"
+ src=""
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+ display: block;
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+ object-position: center;
+ object-fit: cover;
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+ class="framer-l0u6dc"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 44098"
+ name="Frame 44098"
+ >
+ class="framer-j040hg"
+ data-framer-name="I speak English and German"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
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+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ I speak English

+ class="framer-1b8hi2h"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322049"
+ name="Frame 427322049"
+ >
+ class="framer-1en50xs"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322049"
+ name="Frame 427322049"
+ >
+ class="framer-3yrq2g"
+ data-framer-name="image 154"
+ name="image 154"
+ >
+ style="
+ position: absolute;
+ border-radius: inherit;
+ top: 0;
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+ left: 0;
+ "
+ data-framer-background-image-wrapper="true"
+ >
+ decoding="async"
+ src=""
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+ style="
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
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+ border-radius: inherit;
+ object-position: center;
+ object-fit: cover;
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+ class="framer-vrlume"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 44098"
+ name="Frame 44098"
+ >
+ class="framer-1vqi0lf"
+ data-framer-name="I speak English and German"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
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+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Favorite food: Sushi

+ class="framer-10hbuug"
+ data-framer-name="filter/spacer"
+ name="filter/spacer"
+ >
+ class="framer-8po3mr"
+ data-framer-name="Rectangle 38"
+ name="Rectangle 38"
+ >
+ class="framer-wpcoaf"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321886"
+ name="Frame 427321886"
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+ class="framer-evupcs"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321633"
+ name="Frame 427321633"
+ >
+ class="framer-nxc2s6"
+ data-framer-name="Reviews"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
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+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 20px;
+ --framer-line-height: 26px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
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+ >
+ Reviews

+ class="framer-1n6n55c"
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+ name="Frame 427322080"
+ >
+ class="framer-eg3vc8"
+ data-framer-name="image 88"
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+ top: 0;
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+ "
+ data-framer-background-image-wrapper="true"
+ >
+ decoding="async"
+ src=""
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+ style="
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ border-radius: inherit;
+ object-position: center;
+ object-fit: cover;
+ "
+ />
+ class="framer-9tp06u"
+ data-framer-name="4.9 (1,846 Hours)"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
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+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
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+ "Open Sauce Sans Regular Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ New Here

+ class="framer-63alfm"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322080"
+ name="Frame 427322080"
+ >
+ class="framer-2fmiqh"
+ data-framer-name="4.9 (1,846 Hours)"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
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+ --framer-font-family: "Open Sauce Sans Regular",
+ "Open Sauce Sans Regular Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 1.4em;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Although this person does not have any reviews
+ on Blendwork yet, they have been pre-vetted with
+ experience from a FAANG+ company.

+ class="framer-17y4u4b"
+ data-border="true"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321987"
+ name="Frame 427321987"
+ >
+ class="framer-1ohh1xd"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321767"
+ name="Frame 427321767"
+ >
+ class="framer-18jdpuc"
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+ name="Frame 427321987"
+ >
+ class="framer-15l766r"
+ data-framer-name="link/text"
+ name="link/text"
+ >
+ class="framer-yltuqw"
+ data-framer-name="$65 /hr"
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+ >
+ $

+ class="framer-1vkgg3f"
+ data-framer-name="$65 /hr"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
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+ flex-direction: column;
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+ >
+ style="--framer-font-size: 21.64px"
+ class="framer-text"
+ >30
+ >

+ class="framer-ryntcb"
+ data-framer-name="$65 /hr"
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+ outline: none;
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+ style="--framer-font-size: 21.64px"
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ >/hr

+ class="framer-13uar1q"
+ data-framer-name="filter/spacer"
+ name="filter/spacer"
+ >
+ class="framer-1cque8t"
+ data-framer-name="Rectangle 38"
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+ >
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+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321632"
+ name="Frame 427321632"
+ >
+ class="framer-atgpqz"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321633"
+ name="Frame 427321633"
+ >
+ class="framer-ggog8a"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321553"
+ name="Frame 427321553"
+ >
+ class="framer-1up8l99"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 244"
+ name="Frame 244"
+ >
+ class="framer-1c64dor"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321549"
+ name="Frame 427321549"
+ >
+ class="framer-1fqv3y5"
+ data-framer-name="Price Details"
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+ "
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+ >
+ Price Details

+ data-framer-component-type="SVG"
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+ image-rendering: pixelated;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
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+ class="framer-y71oe8"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 251"
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+ >
+ class="framer-bguuzu"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 243"
+ name="Frame 243"
+ >
+ class="framer-147rypl"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 241"
+ name="Frame 241"
+ >
+ class="framer-9xohyz"
+ data-framer-name="Hourly Rate"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
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+ transform: none;
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+ --framer-line-height: 20px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Hourly Rate

+ class="framer-5imre8"
+ data-framer-name="$66/hr"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
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+ transform: none;
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+ sans-serif;
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+ --framer-line-height: 20px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
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+ >
+ $

+ class="framer-1w30f2w"
+ data-framer-name="$66/hr"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
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+ sans-serif;
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+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
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+ >
+ 30

+ class="framer-1uifbzc"
+ data-framer-name="$66/hr"
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+ outline: none;
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+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
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+ "Open Sauce Sans Regular Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 15px;
+ --framer-line-height: 20px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ /hr

+ class="framer-11ql19l"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 243"
+ name="Frame 243"
+ >
+ class="framer-1ganqms"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 241"
+ name="Frame 241"
+ >
+ class="framer-1811109"
+ data-framer-name="Hourly Rate"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
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+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
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+ "Open Sauce Sans Regular Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 15px;
+ --framer-line-height: 20px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Hours Per Week Available

+ class="framer-1ez1an2"
+ data-framer-name="$66/hr"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
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+ "Open Sauce Sans Regular Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 15px;
+ --framer-line-height: 20px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ 10

+ class="framer-1q7o3"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321550"
+ name="Frame 427321550"
+ >
+ class="framer-r51jbh"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 241"
+ name="Frame 241"
+ >
+ class="framer-1q900ni"
+ data-framer-name="Weekly Rate"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
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+ "Open Sauce Sans Bold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 20px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Weekly Rate

+ class="framer-1pzospi"
+ data-framer-name="$2,640.00"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
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+ "Open Sauce Sans Bold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 20px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ $

+ class="framer-nitvd4"
+ data-framer-name="$2,640.00"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
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+ "Open Sauce Sans Bold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 20px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ 300

+ class="framer-44du3s"
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+ name="filter/spacer"
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+ class="framer-1qoo9nb"
+ data-framer-name="Rectangle 38"
+ name="Rectangle 38"
+ >
+ class="framer-1qsl5c8"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321428"
+ name="Frame 427321428"
+ >
+ class="framer-28ws2o"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 247"
+ name="Frame 247"
+ >
+ class="framer-v990rt"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 244"
+ name="Frame 244"
+ >
+ class="framer-cv7252"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321544"
+ name="Frame 427321544"
+ >
+ class="framer-tfn8b5"
+ data-framer-name="Booking Message"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
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+ "Open Sauce Sans Bold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 18px;
+ --framer-line-height: 26px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Booking Message

+ style="
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ "
+ >
+ class="framer-15jv5zz hidden-1jja9yy"
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+ name="Frame 427321975"
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+ class="framer-ayt6xn"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321964"
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+ class="framer-1xdpyt0"
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+ name="Frame 427322132"
+ >
+ class="framer-1kszjpr"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321471"
+ name="Frame 427321471"
+ >
+ class="framer-1qwslqe"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321461"
+ name="Frame 427321461"
+ >
+ class="framer-t1l8wz"
+ data-framer-name="Full Stack Developer"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
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+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 18px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Applied Scientist

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+ name="verified gif 2"
+ >
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+ position: absolute;
+ border-radius: inherit;
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+ image-rendering: pixelated;
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+ fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
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+ class="svgContainer"
+ style="width: 100%; height: 100%; aspect-ratio: inherit"
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+ class="framer-1ehfqo0"
+ data-framer-name="4.9 (1,972 Hours)"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
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+ transform: none;
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+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ New Here

+ class="framer-8z9rsr"
+ data-framer-name="4.9 (1,972 Hours)"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
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+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
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+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ (

+ class="framer-1b0w7fw"
+ data-framer-name="4.9 (1,972 Hours)"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
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+ style="
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+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ 0

+ class="framer-1m8djv3"
+ data-framer-name="4.9 (1,972 Hours)"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
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+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
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+ style="
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+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Hours)

+ class="framer-8wkay4"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322133"
+ name="Frame 427322133"
+ >
+ class="framer-8t5tjo"
+ data-framer-name="Available 20 hours/week"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: center;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
+ style="
+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgU2FucyBSZWd1bGFy;
+ --framer-font-family: "Open Sauce Sans Regular",
+ "Open Sauce Sans Regular Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-line-height: 18.65px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Available

+ class="framer-1q9hb76"
+ data-framer-name="Available 20 hours/week"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: center;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
+ style="
+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgU2FucyBTZW1pQm9sZA==;
+ --framer-font-family: "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold",
+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-line-height: 18.65px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ 10

+ class="framer-1h0um53"
+ data-framer-name="Available 20 hours/week"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: center;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
+ style="
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+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-line-height: 18.65px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ hours/week

+ class="framer-rsk9qk hidden-osz753 hidden-1yqikgu"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322133"
+ name="Frame 427322133"
+ >
+ class="framer-13sks54"
+ data-framer-name="Available 20 hours/week"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: center;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
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+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgU2FucyBSZWd1bGFy;
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+ "Open Sauce Sans Regular Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-line-height: 18.65px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Currently Booked

+ class="framer-go6tr1"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322133"
+ name="Frame 427322133"
+ >
+ class="framer-7332du"
+ data-framer-name="Available 20 hours/week"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: center;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
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+ "Open Sauce Sans Regular Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 18.65px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Oracle

+ class="framer-1s16lk7"
+ data-framer-name="airbnb circle 1"
+ name="airbnb circle 1"
+ >
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+ position: absolute;
+ border-radius: inherit;
+ top: 0;
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+ transform: none;
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+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
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+ transform: none;
+ "
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+ class="framer-VzglM framer-SeyCY framer-Wn8WO framer-knsv4v framer-v-g06zqs"
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+ "
+ >
+ class="framer-kkv0lt"
+ data-framer-name="Transition"
+ style="
+ background-color: var(
+ --token-3864de58-9c2a-419c-b7af-a93f76ca6f06,
+ rgb(11, 12, 14)
+ );
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+ border-bottom-right-radius: 36px;
+ border-top-left-radius: 36px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 36px;
+ opacity: 0;
+ transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+ "
+ >
+ class="framer-1rruqkf"
+ style="
+ background-color: rgb(11, 12, 14);
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ >
+ class="framer-o7xfb3"
+ style="
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+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ >
+ class="framer-1sdf388 hidden-1jja9yy hidden-1x49tnp"
+ data-framer-name="bottom bar / cta"
+ name="bottom bar / cta"
+ >
+ class="framer-qzfu9v"
+ data-border="true"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 56"
+ name="Frame 56"
+ >
+ class="framer-lkunfu"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 6"
+ name="Frame 6"
+ >
+ class="framer-yshex2"
+ data-framer-name="link/text"
+ name="link/text"
+ >
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+ data-framer-name="$84 /hr"
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+ >
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+ "Open Sauce Sans Bold Placeholder", sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 19px;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ $

+ class="framer-d554q7"
+ data-framer-name="$84 /hr"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
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+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
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+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 12px;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ style="--framer-text-color: rgb(37, 37, 37)"
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ >
+ >/hr
+ >

+ class="framer-1ljq5rs"
+ data-framer-name="$84 /hr"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
+ style="
+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgT25lIFJlZ3VsYXI=;
+ --framer-font-family: "Open Sauce One Regular",
+ "Open Sauce One Regular Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 12px;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ style="
+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgU2FucyBCb2xk;
+ --framer-font-family: "Open Sauce Sans Bold",
+ "Open Sauce Sans Bold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 19px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >30
+ >

+ class="framer-t3gwa9"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321770"
+ name="Frame 427321770"
+ >
+ class="framer-gceke0"
+ data-framer-name="link/text"
+ id="gceke0"
+ name="link/text"
+ tabindex="0"
+ >
+ class="framer-j12wz3"
+ data-framer-name="Clear all"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
+ style="
+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgU2FucyBTZW1pQm9sZA==;
+ --framer-font-family: "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold",
+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-line-height: 16px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);
+ --framer-text-decoration: underline;
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ 10

+ class="framer-1bvsy0y"
+ data-framer-name="Clear all"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
+ style="
+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgU2FucyBTZW1pQm9sZA==;
+ --framer-font-family: "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold",
+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-line-height: 16px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);
+ --framer-text-decoration: underline;
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ hours/week

+ class="framer-gkvl9s hidden-osz753 hidden-1yqikgu"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321770"
+ name="Frame 427321770"
+ >
+ class="framer-1fcwt0d"
+ data-framer-name="link/text"
+ id="1fcwt0d"
+ name="link/text"
+ tabindex="0"
+ >
+ class="framer-1kg5ia2"
+ data-framer-name="Clear all"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
+ style="
+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgU2FucyBTZW1pQm9sZA==;
+ --framer-font-family: "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold",
+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-line-height: 16px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);
+ --framer-text-decoration: underline;
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Currently Booked

+ class="framer-1fzxtty"
+ data-framer-name="Group 44216"
+ name="Group 44216"
+ >
+ class="framer-ezcud3"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321688"
+ name="Frame 427321688"
+ >
+ class="framer-16iw8dt framer-1lneevf"
+ data-framer-name="Button"
+ id="16iw8dt"
+ name="Button"
+ tabindex="0"
+ >
+ class="framer-1f32uhc"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321688"
+ name="Frame 427321688"
+ >
+ class="framer-93pzju"
+ data-framer-name="Continue"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-end;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
+ style="
+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgU2FucyBTZW1pQm9sZA==;
+ --framer-font-family: "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold",
+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-alignment: center;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Book Now

+ >
+ class="framer-1wy7dih hidden-osz753 hidden-1yqikgu"
+ data-framer-name="Group 44216"
+ name="Group 44216"
+ >
+ class="framer-unrfzb"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321688"
+ name="Frame 427321688"
+ >
+ class="framer-11ga5b2 framer-1lneevf"
+ data-framer-name="Button"
+ id="11ga5b2"
+ name="Button"
+ tabindex="0"
+ >
+ class="framer-170mged"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321688"
+ name="Frame 427321688"
+ >
+ class="framer-1h3i5ba"
+ data-framer-name="Continue"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-end;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
+ style="
+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgU2FucyBTZW1pQm9sZA==;
+ --framer-font-family: "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold",
+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-alignment: center;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Join Waitlist

+ >
+ class="framer-1ctrna7 hidden-1jja9yy hidden-1x49tnp"
+ data-framer-name="429"
+ name="429"
+ >
+ class="framer-cdnegl"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321761"
+ name="Frame 427321761"
+ >
+ class="framer-ew6wuq"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321763"
+ name="Frame 427321763"
+ >
+ class="framer-1428d1g"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322068"
+ name="Frame 427322068"
+ >
+ class="framer-okagie"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321885"
+ name="Frame 427321885"
+ >
+ class="framer-1qqsk8"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427321884"
+ name="Frame 427321884"
+ >
+ class="framer-164wcfj"
+ data-framer-name="Top Skills"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
+ style="
+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgU2FucyBTZW1pQm9sZA==;
+ --framer-font-family: "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold",
+ "Open Sauce Sans SemiBold Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 20px;
+ --framer-line-height: 26px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Top Skills

+ class="framer-1liqe71"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322110"
+ name="Frame 427322110"
+ >
+ class="framer-315zt4"
+ data-border="true"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322119"
+ name="Frame 427322119"
+ >
+ class="framer-180l7gb"
+ data-framer-name="React"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: center;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
+ style="
+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgU2FucyBNZWRpdW0=;
+ --framer-font-family: "Open Sauce Sans Medium",
+ "Open Sauce Sans Medium Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(37, 37, 37);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Python

+ class="framer-tx2ciz"
+ data-framer-name="airbnb circle 1"
+ name="airbnb circle 1"
+ >
+ style="
+ position: absolute;
+ border-radius: inherit;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ "
+ data-framer-background-image-wrapper="true"
+ >
+ decoding="async"
+ sizes="20px"
+ src=""
+ alt
+ style="
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
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+ object-position: center;
+ object-fit: cover;
+ "
+ />
+ class="framer-1lsnxk1"
+ data-border="true"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322119"
+ name="Frame 427322119"
+ >
+ class="framer-1oo6wy2"
+ data-framer-name="React"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: center;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
+ data-framer-component-type="RichTextContainer"
+ >
+ style="
+ --font-selector: Q1VTVE9NO09wZW4gU2F1Y2UgU2FucyBNZWRpdW0=;
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+ "Open Sauce Sans Medium Placeholder",
+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-font-size: 14px;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(37, 37, 37);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Pytorch

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+ Deep Learning

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+ Artificial Intelligence

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+ C++

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+ About

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+ name="Frame 181"
+ >
+ class="framer-1wgb8xg"
+ data-framer-name="I have worked as software engineer for the last 15 years and have worked with some of the top VC and Y combinator b..."
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+ >
+ I am an applied scientist working in a tier-1 product
+ based company. I am also a post graduate from a tier-1
+ college. My expertise lies in computer vision domain.

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+ class="framer-1llu7l0"
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+ outline: none;
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+ Identity verified

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+ name="Frame 427322049"
+ >
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+ data-framer-background-image-wrapper="true"
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+ class="framer-recjl9"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 44098"
+ name="Frame 44098"
+ >
+ class="framer-j0o3fh"
+ data-framer-name="I speak English and German"
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+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
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+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
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+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
+ "
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+ >
+ Male

+ class="framer-fna30s"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322049"
+ name="Frame 427322049"
+ >
+ class="framer-hbwkmv"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322049"
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+ data-framer-name="image 93"
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+ >
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+ data-framer-background-image-wrapper="true"
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+ object-fit: cover;
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+ class="framer-yu3klr"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 44098"
+ name="Frame 44098"
+ >
+ class="framer-8nod3x"
+ data-framer-name="I speak English and German"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
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+ justify-content: flex-start;
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+ transform: none;
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+ "
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+ >
+ New Delhi, India

+ class="framer-1gkaf7t"
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+ name="Frame 427322049"
+ >
+ class="framer-29c9o"
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+ data-framer-background-image-wrapper="true"
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+ decoding="async"
+ src=""
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+ display: block;
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+ object-position: center;
+ object-fit: cover;
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+ class="framer-1y5baei"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 44098"
+ name="Frame 44098"
+ >
+ class="framer-d5tbtt"
+ data-framer-name="I speak English and German"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
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+ justify-content: flex-start;
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+ transform: none;
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+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
+ "
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+ >
+ I speak English

+ class="framer-2hjqnp"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322049"
+ name="Frame 427322049"
+ >
+ class="framer-1rh3ez3"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322049"
+ name="Frame 427322049"
+ >
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+ data-framer-name="image 154"
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+ position: absolute;
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+ top: 0;
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+ data-framer-background-image-wrapper="true"
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+ decoding="async"
+ src=""
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+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ border-radius: inherit;
+ object-position: center;
+ object-fit: cover;
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+ class="framer-jof5cy"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 44098"
+ name="Frame 44098"
+ >
+ class="framer-139ujm8"
+ data-framer-name="I speak English and German"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
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+ sans-serif;
+ --framer-line-height: 24px;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Favorite food: Sushi

+ class="framer-z9qa5a hidden-osz753 hidden-1yqikgu"
+ data-framer-name="Frame 427322049"
+ name="Frame 427322049"
+ >
+ class="framer-urqxfd"
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+ data-framer-background-image-wrapper="true"
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+ decoding="async"
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+ data-framer-name="Frame 44098"
+ name="Frame 44098"
+ >
+ class="framer-1avxog5"
+ data-framer-name="I speak English and German"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
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+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
+ "
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+ class="framer-1wg5lhw hidden-osz753 hidden-1yqikgu"
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+ name="image"
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+ >
+ class="framer-1c4vv0m"
+ data-framer-name="I speak English and German"
+ style="
+ outline: none;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ transform: none;
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+ class="framer-14jryrm hidden-osz753 hidden-1yqikgu"
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+ data-framer-name="Frame 44098"
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+ class="framer-ma9l01"
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+ outline: none;
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+ New Here

+ class="framer-10wn6fv"
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+ (

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+ 0

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+ Hours)

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+ --framer-line-height: 1.4em;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Although this person does not have any reviews on
+ Blendwork yet, they have been pre-vetted with experience
+ from a FAANG+ company.

+ class="ssr-variant hidden-1x49tnp hidden-osz753 hidden-1jja9yy"
+ >
+ class="framer-1ksrof"
+ data-framer-name="4.9 (1,846 Hours)"
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+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Although this person does not have any reviews on
+ Blendwork yet, they have been pre-vetted with experience
+ from a FAANG+ company.

+ class="ssr-variant hidden-1yqikgu hidden-1x49tnp hidden-1jja9yy"
+ >
+ class="framer-1ksrof"
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+ --framer-line-height: 1.4em;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ Although this person does not have any reviews on
+ Blendwork yet, they have been pre-vetted with experience
+ from a FAANG+ company.

+ class="framer-gta1vn hidden-osz753 hidden-1yqikgu"
+ data-framer-name="4.9 (1,846 Hours)"
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+ --framer-line-height: 1.4em;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ This person's reviews are private.

+ class="ssr-variant hidden-1x49tnp hidden-osz753 hidden-1jja9yy"
+ >
+ class="framer-gta1vn hidden-osz753 hidden-1yqikgu"
+ data-framer-name="4.9 (1,846 Hours)"
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+ --framer-line-height: 1.4em;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ This person's reviews are private.

+ class="ssr-variant hidden-1yqikgu hidden-1x49tnp hidden-1jja9yy"
+ >
+ class="framer-gta1vn hidden-osz753 hidden-1yqikgu"
+ data-framer-name="4.9 (1,846 Hours)"
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+ --framer-line-height: 1.4em;
+ --framer-text-color: rgb(61, 61, 61);
+ "
+ class="framer-text"
+ >
+ This person's reviews are private.

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4 months ago
Renamed talent_88jgko.html to 88jgko.html
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4 months ago
Updated talent88jgko.html
4 months ago
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4 months ago
Updated talent88jgko.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ Blendwork | Book part time FAANG+ engineers

Applied Scientist

New Here





Top Skills



Deep Learning

Artificial Intelligence



I am an applied scientist working in a tier-1 product based company. I am also a post graduate from a tier-1 college. My expertise lies in computer vision domain.

Identity verified


New Delhi, India

I speak English

Favorite food: Sushi


New Here

Although this person does not have any reviews on Blendwork yet, they have been pre-vetted with experience from a FAANG+ company.




Price Details

Hourly Rate




Hours Per Week Available


Weekly Rate



Booking Message

4 months ago
Updated talent88jgko.scroll
4 months ago
Deleted log.txt
4 months ago
Updated log.txt
4 months ago
Updated index.scroll
Changed around line 2: buildHtml
- Hello world my name is
+ Hello World my name is
4 months ago
Updated index.scroll
Changed around line 1
- Hello World my name is
+ Hello world my name is
4 months ago
Updated .gitignore
Changed around line 1
+ .DS_Store
4 months ago
Deleted log.txt
4 months ago
Updated log.txt
4 months ago
initial blank_template template
Changed around line 1
+ *.html
+ *.txt
+ *.xml
+ *.css
+ *.js
Changed around line 1
+ buildHtml
+ theme roboto
+ Hello World my name is